Which Country has the best Agarwood?

In this article we will discuss “which country has best Agarwood” before going to our topic it is necessary for us to know some important things about Agarwood.

What is Agarwood?

Agarwood is a very expensive wood mostly used for some expensive perfumes and medicines. Agarwood is produced from the Aquilaria tree. This tree grows in some Asian countries and require a specific soil to grow and takes 5 to 7 years to produce the Agarwood naturally.

But nowadays many traders and manufacturers started to the plantation of Aquilaria trees, planted trees can be ready for Agarwood within a shorter time period. But the quality of these trees might not comparable with natural grown Agarwood.

Because naturally grown Agarwood is unique and have best quality of product. Although naturally grown Agarwood is expense than planted Agarwood but trader prefer to obtain the natural grow.

If you are cost conscious and want to save your cost then you have an option to purchase the planted Agarwood products rather than naturally grown agarwood’s.

Because it will save your cost but there is also significant doubt on the quality of that product because some trader also mix some other woods to increase the volume of Agarwood.

Some trader sales the immature wood in wood in the market, so you have to be aware of those kinds of scams and duplications.

Why the demand for Agarwood Increasing?

If you are searching for Agarwood then you have to know that the demand for Agarwood is continuously increasing nowadays. In the past use of this wood was restricted to some Asian countries, even some royal families of Asian countries. But mow this is the most demanded and unique product in the world.

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The reason for increasing the considerable demand of Agarwood is its uniqueness. This wood is most unique in the world and there is no substitute that fulfill the 100% specification of Agarwood.

Although some countries growing Agarwood by using modern cultivations techniques they are still unable to fulfill the demand for Agarwood.

Which Country has the best Agarwood?

There are many countries in the world which are growing Aquilaria tree naturally and by using modern cultivation techniques. But the quality of Agarwood produced by all countries is not the same, there is a variation of quality according to the soil and environment of each country.

Nowadays United State of America (USA) is the biggest importer of Agarwood and many Asian Countries providing the Agarwood to USA.

As discussed, many Asian countries cultivating Aquilaria trees for Agarwood and every country has some specific impacts of it soil for growth of Agarwood but best Agarwood produced in Vietnam.

The Vietnam has best quality of Agarwood and producing highest volume of in the world.

Why Vietnam is the best producer of Agarwood?

Agarwood can be produced from Aquilaria tree and this tree consist the family of 25 spices, only 19 spices can produce the Agarwood.  According to many researches, it is found that Aquilaria Crassna in Vietnam produces the high quality of Agarwood in the world.

Aquilaria crassna is grown in the Indi-china countries but the best results of Agarwood found in Vietnam. In Vietnam Aquilaria tree mostly found on “Phu Quoc Island”.


If you are searching for the best quality of Agarwood and want to import Agarwood, then you have to approach an Agarwood exporter of Vietnam to get the best quality. If you want to purchase in small quantity or low volume then there is a probability that Vietnam’s product might be available in your home country.

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We hope this article will be beneficial for you and helps you to find you require data about Agarwood, but still, if you have any questions, please leave a comment for us in the comment section.